Monday, July 4, 2011

Pic 182 + The fourth of July

I'm disappointed this year that I didn't get a chance to go take pictures in East St. Louis of the arch with fireworks.  I planned on doing that for an entire year and couldn't wait, but because of a few plans that were changed, some bad weather and other obligations, I couldn't make it to a professional fireworks display this year at all.  Crap.
We went to my parents' house as usual for the 4th and we did the usual, BBQ, lots of dessert, and then the kids started to light things on fire.  Some of the things were fireworks, others were just random things that they found.  I got some more pics, but these are all I can manage to edit tonight because I'm tired.






  1. Pyromainia lives on I see. Sounds like you all had fun and your firework pics look like they were taken at a professional display. I really like the shadowy one too.

  2. The one of the kids in that shadow is a little creepy!
